December 31, 2013

My Top 3 Posts of 2013 Well, it's that time when we look back and reflect on the kind of year it's been. In that spirit of reflection, here are the top three-- as in most read and most shared-- posts from my blog this year.The truth is, I didn't blog much in the second half of 2013, due to travel and begining a doctoral program. So, I'm thankful that when I did sit to write, you took the time to read. I blog as a way of discovering what I think...and your reading and interacting with me here is a very helpful part of that discovery! Most surprising is that my most read blog of 2013-- in fact, it's the most read blog I've ever written, by far!-- is a personal tribute to an old friend who died suddenly this year. What this says to me is that we're all dealing with pain in some way. Grief touches everyone. And perhaps my little piece about a friend most none of my American friends know was so widely read because it helps to know that even pastors are not immune to the sadness that befalls us in life. There is hope even in the grieving...but the sorrow is all too real. they are, the top three posts of 2013 from my blog-- one a personal reflection, another an idealogical response, and the final one a resource: 1. In Memory of a Friend Who Taught Me Courage (Nov. 3, 2013) A personal tribute written for a dear friend from my youth group in Malaysia who passed away suddenly this year. This piece was read at his memorial services. Continue to keep his dear wife and children in your prayers, even as you read this. 2. A Response to Pastor Mark on Pacifism (Oct. 22, 2013) I'm...

Glenn Packiam

Lead Pastor, new life DOWNTOWN, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, CO. Author and songwriter.

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