March 21, 2010

Why We Incorporate Historic Liturgy at new life DOWNTOWN [EDITOR'S NOTE: I originally wrote this post to explain our services at newlifesundaynight...Now that the nucleus of that congregation has launched our Sunday morning downtown congregation, called new lfie DOWNTOWN, I thought it may be good to re-post this, as it still applies to our services at new life DOWNTOWN, and it may be helpful to those who are new to it.] Over the last several months, as we have said the Nicene Creed, participate in both silent confession and corporate confession (using Psalm 51 and the Book of Common Prayer), taken communion, and listened to Old Testament and New Testament readings, I have had a few people ask why we integrated liturgy in our "non-denominational" church. Many have appreciated it as a welcome change to what they describe as "rootless Evangelicalism". A few have wondered if we're "going Catholic". In an effort to keep communication clear, I thought I write a short post on it. First off, let me say that a liturgy is simply a corporate expression of worship. Israel had one in both their Psalm-singing and praying and in their sacrificial system. The early church, shaped by Jewish worship, also used Psalm-singing and praying along with hymns to Christ as they gathered to celebrate "the Lord's Supper". You see, having a regular rhythm to our worship expression is quite helpful. A rhythm is how we reinforce a desire. For example, because we have a desire to have healthy teeth and gums, we have developed a rhythm of brushing our teeth daily. Or because a husband and wife have a desire to keep their relationship strong they might develop a rhythm of “date nights”. So, in a similar way, because we have a desire to grow up in our faith, we develop rhythms in our worship that helps...

Glenn Packiam

Lead Pastor, new life DOWNTOWN, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, CO. Author and songwriter.

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